We provide:
- Service types: Contract Staffing/Staff Augmentation, Permanent Staffing, Professional Staffing
- Jobs/Roles: DEV, TESTER, PM, BA, BrSE, Japanese COMTOR, Consultant…
- Job Ranks: From 1 (Junior) –> 4 (Expert/Senior)
- Technical Skillsets: COBOL, Java, .NET, C/C++, Android, iOS, PHP…
Advanced Analytics Strategies
- One
- Two
- Three
- Banking, Finance
- Insurance
- Embedded
- Mobile
- Enterprise Application
- Client: Sends service requests, including JDs, quantity, deadlines…
- ITSOL: Evaluates JD, determines Job-Skills and confirms Staffing/Placement Plan
- ITSOL: Sources, Does pre-technical Interview and Sends shortlisted candidates to Client
- Client & ITSOL: Evaluate & Select from shortlisted candidates
- Client & ITSOL: Proceed boarding for qualified candidates
- 250+ software engineers in house, 60K-candidate database
- Best-in-class IT/Software candidates: through early job evaluation, job-skills determination and pre-technical-interview by ITSOL’s experts.
- Highly committed to a recruitment/staffing plan that works, trusted by big clients such as: Viettel, Vingroup, FPT, Baoviet Group, Techcombank, MB Bank, Luvina, UsolV…
Case studies
- Key partner, provided 100 – 150 FTEs (BA, DEV, Testers) to Viettel Corp (biggest ICT company in VN) annually since 2016, in HN, DN, HCM
- Provided 30 – 50 FTEs (BA/DEV/Tester) to Vingroup annually since 2018
- Provided 15 – 30 FTEs (DEV/Tester) to FPT in HN, DN and HCM annually since 2012
- Provided 25 – 30 FTEs (BA/DEV) to BaoViet group annually since 2016
- Running Offshore Development Centers (ODC) for Japanese customers such as PLUS (20+ FTEs), IBIS (5+ FTEs), EASSIST (3 FTEs) …
- Staffing partner, providing workforces for SeaBank, Techcombank, MBBank, Luvina…